Getting Started with MarketingTech Follow
MarketingTech is our powerful in-house software that allows you to register a domain, create pages, use pre-loaded templates and presell pages, post ads directly, and advertise small businesses with simple steps.
To start, you need to register and log in to
Click the 'Get Started' button to bring you to the log in page.
You may bookmark the log in site future use.
To register, enter your First and last name, email, and preferred password to the required then click the 'Create Account' button.
After entering your personal details, we will be sending an email to the email address you used to register with a link to activate your account.
Check your email for a message from with a subject link: Activate your MarketingTech account, and click the verify email button.
After verification, select the subscription plan you want to avail.
If you have selected Monthly or Annual subscription, you will be prompted to provide your payment information powered by Stripe.
After payment, you will get a link to a copy of your receipt and a button to go back to the account set up.
We highly suggest to right-click on the receipt link and open it to a new tab and download your invoice/receipt.
But if you choose the Free plan, you will be directed directly to the set up page below:
You will be prompted to enter your phone number. The phone number you will enter will be displayed on your personal landing page.
Then enter your address or current location.
You will have the option to upload your photo that will also display on your personal landing page or your business logo(as a marketing consultant).
A question will be asked to identify whether you already have a potential client or to reach and discover such businesses through MT.
After submitting your answer we will begin creating your personal landing page.
Using this personal landing page will allow you to sign a client and get your commission for each signed business.
Once it's completed, you will be asked to subscribe to either our newsletter or live weekly trainings.
That will complete your account setup.
You will now land on the setup checklist to give you a tour of the landing page setup, promote your agency and manage subscribed clients page.
The last step is to create and connect your STRIPE account.
You can check the different countries supported by Stripe here.
Then wait till the status on your payout set up is marked ACTIVE.
Otherwise, check if you are still missing some steps to complete your Stripe settings.
If the Payout Settings has been completed, you may now access the 'Promote' tab and check your personal landing page, manage client page.
Then go to the 'Affiliates' tab, click the 'Get Started' button on 'Promote Existing Products' to register a domain.
Then register a domain for your site.
Click the 'Get Started' button from 'Become an Affiliate' section.
Enter a Domain name of your choice without the .xyz, .info, or the like and click 'Check'.
Choose and select a domain that you prefer.
If any of the given options don't suit you, you may click the 'Seach For Another Domain' button to go back to the domain search page and enter another domain name.
If any of the given options is good for you, just click 'Use This Domain' button to register it.
After choosing your preferred domain, you will then move to the next step to enter your Clickbank ID.
If you do not have a CB ID yet, you can click the button below to register as a CB affiliate and get your CB ID.
If you have entered your CB ID, click the continue button to complete the process.
A message will appear on the top of your page that says "Congratulations! Your Domain is now yours, and we are waiting for the records to be transferred into our system".
This means that your domain is being connected to MT's server and will need 2-3 hours to a maximum of 72 hours to propagate.
If the message on the page disappears, your domain has already propagated and ready to use.
While waiting for your domain to propagate. Go to the 'Account' section of MT by clicking the 'Account' tab on the upper right of the page and select 'Site Settings'.
You will be given options to fill in a Facebook pixel, set your site title, and enter your Clickbank ID.
The site title is the name that appears on the tab bar of the page.
If your accounts have been connected, and your domain has propagated successfully, you may start promoting affiliate products and advertise small businesses.
Please remember to observe MarketingTech's policy and privacy and terms.
All the best!
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