Guidelines In The Case Of A Google Ad Account Suspension Follow
In The Case Of A Google Ad Account Suspension:
- If the suspension is due to “suspicious payment activity” yet the payment method (such as a credit card) works fine outside of Google Ads, and it is registered in the same country as the Google Ads account, then appeal the suspension with a long explanation about how the card works fine and how this must’ve been a mistake, make sure to sound cooperative and make the appeal as detailed as possible.
- If the suspension is after an ad disapproval, make sure to understand the disapproval reason, then delete the disapproved ads, and appeal the suspension with a long detailed appeal.
- If the suspension happened for no reason, just appeal explaining how you take the compliance aspect seriously & how this must’ve been a mistake. As always, make the appeal long & detailed, & try to sound cooperative.
- If your appeal got rejected, appeal again and again, each time with a different appeal, make all appeals long and detailed and always sound cooperative and supportive of the Google Ads policies.
- If all appeals fail, create a sub-account and start advertising there. You can create up to 20 sub-accounts in total under the same email. You can use the same credit card and website on all of them, just make sure to avoid what got you suspended in the first place.
- If a sub-account got suspended, create a new one, you can keep creating new ones until you use all 20 sub-accounts and they all get suspended. Usually, you get a sub-account to work and rarely do all sub-accounts get suspended. Make sure to appeal any sub-account suspension as well.
- In the case of getting all sub-accounts suspended, create a new gmail and create a Google Ads account there. Use the same website and card unless they’re the main reason why you got suspended in the first place.
- If you get suspended again, also try the sub-accounts method.
- If none of the above works, use a new device that has no connection with the original one, create a new gmail on it, with a new phone number attached and a new recovery email (if required), and use a new Credit Card/payment method that wasn’t used in the previous accounts, preferably with a new name on it. If you don’t have one, you can ask your bank to issue one for one of your family members “as an employee of yours”. Basically the idea is that you come across as a totally new person/LLC that Google doesn’t know before.
**Following these steps can solve most or all account suspension issues.
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