Clickbank statistics explained Follow
Clickbank statistics explained
General Stats
Initial $/sale :
This number is the average amount that an affiliate earns in commission for each sale of one of this vendor's products, including the initial price of any upsells or order bumps that result from the first sale. This number takes into account refunds, chargebacks, and sales tax, but does not include rebill payments. Since vendors may offer products with different prices and commissions, each affiliate will have different results, but this number gives you a general guideline. For the SAS example, initial $/sale would be around 360$.
- Avg Rebill Total:
This number shows the average amount an affiliate makes in commission on all of the rebilled sales of a recurring product, not including the initial sale. This number is only shown if the vendor offers recurring billing products (that is, products such as memberships and subscriptions that regularly bill customers over time). - Avg $/sale:
This is the average amount that an affiliate earns in commission for each sale of one of this vendor's products, including initial and rebill payments. For vendors with rebill products, this number gives you an indication of the additional amount you can earn by promoting those products. For vendors with no rebill products, this number is the same as the Initial $/sale. For the SAS example, this would be around 570$.
- Avg %/sale:
This number shows the average commission rate earned for all sales of a vendor’s products, including one-time purchases, rebills, and upsell purchases. Since vendors can offer different commission rates for different types of products or for different affiliates, this number may not exactly match the commission rate you earn on any given sale. For the SAS example, this would be 50% set. - Avg %/rebill:
This number is only shown if the vendor offers recurring billing products, and shows the average commission rate earned only on rebills. Vendors can offer different commission rates on the initial sale and the rebills. For the SAS example, this would be 50% set. - Grav:
"Grav: is short for the GRAVITY™ performance statistic. This number represents a unique calculation by ClickBank that takes into account the number of different affiliates who earned a commission by promoting this product over the past 12 weeks. Since more recent transactions are given a higher value, this number can give you an idea of what products are “hot” at the moment, in terms of being promoted by many affiliates and making a good number of sales. However, high gravity can also indicate that there will be a lot of competition in promoting this product. - Cat:
"Cat" is short for "category." This section provides information about the ClickBank Marketplace category and subcategory of the product.
My Stats on Clickbank
- Hops Generated:
This number represents the total number of Hops you have generated through your promotional material. A Hop is an instance where a potential customer has followed your HopLink (a referral tracking link generated when you promote a product) to the ClickBank Vendor's pitch page. For information on why your stats may indicate that you have Hops, but you have not made any sales, click HERE to check out a helpful article. - Earnings Per Hop:
This value represents your total earnings divided by the number of hops that you've generated. - Refund Rate:
This value represents the percentage of customers you've referred who have received a refund. - Chargeback Rate:
This value represents the percentage of customers you've referred who have charged back their orders. - Initial Sales:
This is the dollar value amount that you have earned from initial sales of recurring products and from sales of standalone products. - Rebill Sales:
This is the dollar value you have earned from rebills of recurring products. - Upsells:
This is the dollar amount you've earned from upsell products.
Below the stats section of the listing, there may be a row of icons. Here is a key to the icons you may find:
- Product(s) in English
- Product(s) in French
- Product(s) in German
- Product(s) in Spanish
- Product(s) in Italian
- Product(s) in Portuguese
- Standard (single-sale) product(s)
- Recurring billing product(s)
- Physical product(s)
- Upsell product(s)
- Vendor Spotlight listing includes an Affiliate Tools page
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